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What happened between Landon McBroom and Shyla Walker?

TMZ uncovered that Shyla had looked for a limiting request against her ex Landon not long after the two declared the finish of their YouTube channel.

In looking for a limiting request, Shyla claimed that Landon had genuinely manhandled her and endeavored to seize their newborn child girl Souline.

Shyla likewise said that she had just had the option to recuperate her little girl, after a supposed grabbing endeavor via Landon and their common companion Joseph, by including policing.

As per court reports delivered by Sportskeeda, Landon took Souline from her bed around midnight, and “gave the youngster to his worker ‘Joseph,'” who then continued to “take the kid… furthermore, [head] for [Landon’s] vehicle as [Shyla] followed him by walking requesting the arrival of [Souline].”

The records then, at that point, proceeded to leave express that Landon supposedly “kept on guiding Joseph to place the youngster in his vehicle and.”

Landon was in the end provided a controlling request that trained him to remain 100 feet from Shyla and his little girl.

In September of 2021, Shyla then, at that point, delivered a video making sense of each and every situation that happened before the couple’s unavoidable split in June of 2021.

While discussing the supposed abducting, Shyla said: “I called 911 and I said they’re hijacking my child like kindly assistance me. I ran back as quick as possible to Joe and I gave a depiction of what he was wearing,” she said in the video.

“Landon had gone inside the house and I ran inside to track down him and see what he was wearing. The dispatcher then let me know that assuming there was no care understanding or crisis security on the kid, they [police] couldn’t come.”

“Also, my heart dropped. I had removed the speaker by that point so it was just me who had heard the dispatcher say that.

Attempting to think as fast as I could I behaved like I was still on the telephone and I said “Joe on the off chance that you simply bring her back I’ll tell them not to come and I’ll hang up this moment.” Landon then said “Alright Joe, bring her back and like I say thanks to God that worked.”

What did Landon say about Shyla’s video?

One month after Shyla’s video, Landon then, at that point, posted his own video named, “The Genuine Truth,” on October 6, asserting that Shyla lied about her claims and he never attempted to capture his little girl, he likewise gave setting to the last gathering between the two.

“During this gathering I didn’t have any controlling request whatsoever. This is likewise the last time that her and I at any point spoke,” Landon said.

“Furthermore, not just that, this is under seven days, days after we probably captured Souline. May 15 is the point at which the seizing occurred among Joseph and I and Souline. May 21, in a real sense under seven days after the fact is the point at which we have this gathering in our home.”

Landon additionally proceeded to guarantee that there is genuine film of this last gathering and said thanks to his companion Joseph for recording it.

He proceeded: “Fortunately as of now, the main explanation we had this recording was on the grounds that Joseph was frightened and was shooting to safeguard himself. Keep in mind, this is days after he has been claimed as a hijacker.”

Toward the end, Landon cautioned Shyla not to answer the video or he would let more film out of the gathering, asserting that it would make her look downright awful.

“I didn’t show the most terrible most exceedingly awful most awful pieces of the gathering film,” Landon said. “The justification for why I won’t show you folks the remainder of this gathering film is on the grounds that what you will see that she did and said, you are never going to have the option to excuse her for…ever.”

He proceeded: “In the event that she answers this video with additional falsehoods, seriously playing the person in question, I will have no real option except to show you all the recording.”

Right now, Shyla has not remarked on the new video.

Why did Shyla get a restraining order against Landon?

On her Instagram, Shyla legitimized looking for a controlling request following the supposed maltreatment, which as indicated by the court reports, came in the wake of squabbling about monetary issues.

As per the records, Landon had pushed Shyla “making a slash and noticeable injury [her] finger.”

The force to be reckoned with likewise guaranteed that Landon had a background marked by manhandling her preceding that episode, however Landon keeps on asserting the claims are bogus.

She composed on her story: “I’ve been beat, I’ve been manhandled, I’ve had three endeavored kidnappings on my kid. On the off chance that you love somebody you don’t set yourself in that frame of mind to lose them. I will constantly give what’s all for my youngster each and every f***ing time.”

In any case, she later uncovered that she would permit Landon to keep a relationship with Souline, regardless of beforehand trying to keep him from his little girl.

Landon and Souline were as of late rejoined following three months separated.

“I mentioned appearance,” Shyla said, “I believe my little girl should have a relationship with her dad who she will continuously cherish no matter what the conditions.”

She then, at that point, hammered her ex for posting about his gathering with Souline, nonetheless, adding: “All I asked was for her protection to be regarded during this time not to blackmail her for clout or potentially financial additions.”

Photos of Shyla’s abuse surface

On June sixth, Teresa Interesting, a companion of YouTuber Shyla Walker, took to Instagram to post photographs of the powerhouse with wounds, guaranteeing that Landon McBroom had attacked her. Shyla’s sibling Alpha posted the photographs too.

Minutes after the fact, Shyla Walker’s companion likewise posted screen captures of a discussion she had with Landon’s mom Michole McBroom, as well as a discussion she had with a relative of Landon’s. In the picture beneath, a lady named Monique is seen undermining legitimate activity against Teresa.

Around the finish of May, Landon McBroom had been blamed for manhandling Shyla, in this way, fans were not stunned when they saw the evidence.

Shyla Walker asks fans for “peace”

In the wake of finishing the family YouTube channel, Shyla Walker has since been integrated into a great deal of show encompassing Landon McBroom and his supposed vicious way of behaving towards her.

In an Instagram story posted on June sixth, Shyla asked her fans for “harmony” as she “restarted her life”.

To add, she likewise immediately remarked on the circumstance, answering some backfire that guaranteed the family had instagated show for “clout”. She said:


  1. Shyla Walker sought a restraining order against Landon McBroom, her ex, following the end of their YouTube channel.
  2. She alleged that Landon physically abused her and attempted to seize their daughter, Souline.
  3. Court documents revealed that Landon took Souline from her bed and handed her to a friend, Joseph, who then tried to take the child to Landon’s car.
  4. Landon was eventually issued a restraining order to stay 100 feet away from Shyla and their daughter.
  5. In a video, Shyla detailed the events leading up to their split, including the alleged kidnapping attempt of Souline.
  6. Landon later posted a video called “The Real Truth,” denying Shyla’s claims and providing his version of events.


Shyla Walker sought a restraining order against her ex, Landon McBroom, alleging physical abuse and an attempted kidnapping of their daughter. Landon denied these claims in a video, providing his version of events.


Why did Shyla Walker seek a restraining order against Landon McBroom?

Shyla alleged that Landon physically abused her and attempted to seize their daughter, Souline.

What did Landon McBroom say about Shyla Walker’s claims?

Landon denied the allegations, claiming that Shyla lied and he never tried to kidnap his daughter.

What happened during the last meeting between Landon McBroom and Shyla Walker?

According to Landon, the meeting occurred shortly after the alleged kidnapping attempt and was recorded by a friend, Joseph, out of fear for his safety.

What is the current status of Landon McBroom and Shyla Walker’s relationship?

Shyla has sought a restraining order against Landon and has not commented on his video response. The current status of their relationship is unknown.

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